Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy

Star India Private Limited (STAR) has defined the Indian media landscape for over two decades and today is one of the country’s leading media conglomerates, reaching approximately 600 million viewers a month across India and more than 100 other countries. STAR generates 20,000 hours of content every year and broadcasts 50+ channels in 8 different languages, reaching 9 out of 10 C&S TV homes in India.

STAR’s CSR mission is directly derived from the purpose that we set ourselves:

Our dream is to inspire a billion imaginations with a new idea of what’s possible and a new sense of who they can be. It’s what we strive for, every day.

Being the leading media and entertainment network in India, STAR network is uniquely positioned to influence social thinking. We fundamentally believe that media content must inspire audience and drive social change. If we are not positively influencing the society, we are in fact wasting a huge opportunity.

STAR aims to help create a better India while being engaged in responsible business practices with internal & external stakeholders.

Our Approach

STAR’s CSR approach is structured on three primary attributes:

  • Content & platform Integration: Continue to leverage its programming to drive relevant social messaging. Our protagonists will continue to be the biggest ambassadors and evangelists of change
  • Outreach Programs: To influence & impact community via on-ground initiatives
  • Conveying Power: To influence the overall ecosystem and mobilize efforts to join a cause & create a movement

Our Scope

STAR’s CSR work would include, but not be limited to:

  1. Individual development
    a) Promoting education and training in vocational and sports skills
    b) Build soft & technical skills and improve livelihoods
  2. Social development
    a) Promoting gender & social equality
    b) Encouraging innovation via incubator centres and entrepreneurial ventures
    c) Protection and promotion of national heritage, art, culture
    d) Rural development
  3. Mobilizing effort: leveraging the power of the STAR network as a catalyst for change
    a) Focusing on crucial topics to spark public debates and create citizen movements
    b) Raise awareness and galvanize support for causes at all levels – individual to national; from systemic issues to natural disasters

At STAR, we believe in engaging actively with our society and hence closely monitor the CSR projects we undertake to ensure effective implementation. Moreover, any surplus arising from our CSR projects shall not form part of business profits.